Answer: Leather Air is a new generation of synthetic leather that has excellent quality and durability. Microscopic perforations allow air to flow through, balancing body temperature to the environment. Leather Air is plush, thick and breathable.

Answer: Genuine Leather + PVC means that the item’s front will be upholstered with Genuine Leather and the back with PVC. This is often used to lower the prices so everyone can afford our furniture.

Italian Leather is one of the most premium leather available. This leather is specially imported from Italy, often used in luxurious sofas and recliners.

This varies from item to item. If you will buy our theatre recliners, all the seats will recline including the middle seats. Usually when you buy a normal 3 seater recliner, the middle seat does not recline.

Next day dispatch does not mean next day delivery. If your items are being shipped from a third-party carrier such as Hunter Express or Fastway then we will dispatch the items on the next day of the order. That means we take only one day to process, handle and dispatch the orders. If your order is placed on Friday then the items will be dispatched on Monday.
if your items are being delivered via our inhouse delivery service then the delivery will be scheduled according to the next available run.

There may be various reasons, but the most common probability is that we do not offer free shipping to your postcode and there may be extra charges applicable. For the shipping quote, you can contact us via Live Chat.

AU wide delivery means that we ship to all the states of Australia where some postcodes are eligible for free delivery and some are not. For the shipping quote, you can contact us via Live Chat.