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A Realistic Checklist: What to Consider Before Buying Your Ideal Bed and Mattress

Purchasing the perfect bed and mattress can be an exciting but important decision. To ensure you make the right choice, it's essential to have a realistic checklist in hand. Here are the key factors to consider before making your purchase.  Assess Your Sleeping Needs Take a moment to evaluate your sleeping habits and preferences. Do

Your Dream Bedroom Checklist for Every Australian Home

Hey, have you ever imagined a place where all the stresses of life simply melt away? A sanctuary where work emails are non-existent, chores and errands are miles away, and even the noisy family members are magically kept behind a closed door. This is the ultimate escape where you can hit the reset button and

Trending Outdoor Furniture Ideas for Australian Homes

When it comes to outdoor living, we have a deep appreciation for creating inviting and stylish spaces that seamlessly blend comfort with functionality.   The latest trends in outdoor furniture styles reflect this desire, offering a diverse range of options to suit different tastes and preferences.   Let's delve deeper into the trending outdoor furniture ideas that

What Type of Sofa Suits Your Lifestyle?

Whether you're a sophisticated urbanite or a busy parent with a bustling household, your sofa choice plays a significant role in shaping your home design and personal comfort. So, let's dive into the world of sofas and discover the ideal match for your lifestyle at Harbour Lane Modular Sofas - The Shape-Shifter If you're someone

6 Practical Ways to Maximise a Small Space

Introduction Whether your abode is a compact apartment or a cosy home, achieving the utmost functionality and comfort in your living area demands meticulous planning and astute furniture selections.  Living in a small space doesn't mean you have to sacrifice comfort or style. With some creative thinking and clever design ideas, you can make the

House of Design – Designing your homes

Get Started So you want to design your home but don’t know where to start? Come follow this quick guide in how your walls to the grains beneath your feet can create the perfect atmosphere for you and your family. Lets start of with the ins and ends, its pretty simple actually. First The Seasons

Harbour Lane Furniture & Bedding – New Name, Stronger Passion

Harbour Lane or previously known as Fair Price Furniture is back and updated to give the customer a smoother experience when experimenting on their own homes. Creating an immersive experience Designing a space can be quite hard and more often or not it is hard to tell what kind of furniture is well suited to